Brrrrrrr….! It’s really cold out there! In this freezing weather most of us catch the dreadful cold.

With stuffy nose, headache and lethargy we are confined to our beds with our only friend, the T.V. But what if your SO or your parents were the ones to get sick.

We feel awful and want to do something for them. So, here I present to you with the easy to make, Get Well Soon Box in just 10 simple steps.

Materials Required:

  • A transparent box (any size)
  • Coloured papers
  • Glitter tube
  • A pair of scissors
  • Double sided tape
  • Transparent tape
  • Black pen

Procedure :

  1. Clean the transparent box with soap and water to remove all the dirt and keep it aside to allow complete drying.
  2. Cut a sheet of coloured paper (eg:pink) according to the size of the box.
  3. Now, take a sheet of different colour (eg:yellow) and cut a shape of the bottle, spoon, and 3 rectangular pieces for writing the message(eg: get well soon).
  4. Using a double sided tape stick the bottle, the spoon and the rectangle sheets with the message onto the pink sheet as shown.
  5. Use the glitter tube to make little hearts as in the above shown pictures
  6. Let the glitter dry.
  7. Till the glitter dries, fill the box with lozenges like vicks cough drops or any other medicine of choice.
  8. Now put the sheet in the lid of the box so that it is visible through the lid when the box is closed.
  9. Tape it in that location with transparent tape.
  10. Voila! Your gift is complete!

Here’s another picture. Please excuse my poor editing skills! 

It’s easy to make even if you aren’t very good at artwork and it will surely uplift your the mood of anyone you give it to..!

Do let me know what you think about this DIY and post pictures of your get well soon boxes too…! 
